continued from my social media post…
presently, the 2000s (MM) not so much. the care and concern is continuing to diminish greatly. since 2020, i’ve seen an enormous fall in human compassion. it’s seems to always be someone else’s problem and not our problem. #accountability #authenticity #support #platitudes #archaic
i’m totally confused because everything is either 😠superficial or clickish in some form these days; [opportunist or friend]➡️ distinguishing between a true relationship as opposed to a person seeking only a benefit(s) from the association. it needs to be distinct boundaries between the two. if a person is solely in your life for gain only, then it’s not a real connection.
in the 1950s, people cared about others not just their immediate families. hard work was rewarded and it meant something. currently, people think you just owe them all your energy, loyalty, and love without any appreciation, added value, or a return of the good will.
being a law abiding citizen or good neighbor isn’t praise worthy like it was, and it’s becoming non-existent. now, you have to go next level to get anywhere in this life. if you have a support team or any type of convenant connections, you are truly blessed, “seriously”.
{IRL}, stay away from people that practice the 20 question interrogation method and that tired old archaic platitude, “i’m praying for you”; they have no intentions of supporting nor are they praying. actions save lives (asl), not talk.
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